Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Heartache Updates. ?? =P

Of course, by now I'm feeling a whole lot better. I have to live with this huge scar in my life. Nevertheless, I thank God that I have gone through this because I learned a valuable lesson indeed. And it is true that you have to make a mistake to learn something.

But there is one thing that still lingers in my mind. Last night, I was thinking....why he never told me? Why he kept me hoping? Doesn't he realize that keeping me hoping hurts me even more? And he always wished me to be happy. But......I suppose he never think far ahead. What he didn't know is that the truth hurts but lies kills. And yes, his lies did kill me. To this very day.....

I suppose it's because he's still young. So...I have to understand. I did make a horrid conclusion though.......I almost concluded that he's a playboy. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't but.....I don't care. I shall be the sister to tegur him. Bahaha!! After giving much thought, i thought that maybe it's because he's still young. And he's very blur.....

Oh, whatever.....past is past. I shall stick my head up high and soar like an eagle!! (yerdeh!!) I shall start a new chapter in my life. I'm sooooo looking forward to going Swinburne!!! Who knows.....I might meet a great guy there. But that's not my intention of going there lah.......I gotta study!! Gotta get the merit scholarship!!!! Gotta get friends and bring them to God!!! Whoa.....exciting!!!


chellehunnybee said...

he's not a playboy chrisitine..a playboy is different..he's just blur and like u sed young and donno the meaning of bf gf relationship yet...youre still young only 17 18??19??ahahah you can get better guys especially u gng swinburne..hehe

Christine Dior said...

yes!! wahaha!! can't wait for swinburne lah......hehehe.....yeah, i know he's not a playboy...=P